Short Post: Stew and Snow-cream!

Today we tried THIS beautiful recipe from The Post Punk Kitchen: Dilly Stew with Rosemary Dumplings. It was delicious and actually not that hard to make... the biggest problem was I had to separate it into two pots at one point because our big pot wasn't big enough. Also ... the dumplings... they grew to be humongous ... ! Next time I will take "spoonful" to mean a small spoonful rather than a heaping one.

Yes, I braved the icy frozen outdoors to go get fresh herbs and such from the Co-Op. It was worth it.
Lovely icicles outside my bedroom window

Snow mounds by Trader Joe's
And what else delicious is there to eat when you don't want to go too far from home? Well you can always try to find some clean snow (we found ours on the roof) and using this recipe (well, we used almond milk instead of cow's milk) we made something that wasn't quite ice cream but was more like a really really good snow cone in a bowl ("Shave ice" as they call it in Hawaii). I would recommend adding the sugar and milk in gradually though, because we didn't need all that sugar actually... putting it all in might make it too sweet. I ate two bowls even though I was shivering, 'cause it was oddly good. And it was just really fun taking a chair outside and spooning snow off the neighboring apartment roofs xD

Looks a bit like mashed potatoes doesn't it?


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