May Days

I am posting this on the last day of July, which is pretty sad. I have been having a difficult time wanting to update this blog ever since April, because of some soul-searching I've been going through. I didn't feel I was in any position to post my own "wisdom" about veganism and religious things. But I guess I've decided to try to start back up again, because having a reason to organize my thoughts helps me to examine why I hold certain beliefs.

So here's what happened in May!

I began to look for a new place to live. I wanted to make sure that I ended up in a place where neither my religious beliefs nor my veganism would be looked down upon. So, between fairly full days working for Premier Graphics (which was really an answer to my prayers!) I began to search for a new apartment to share with someone. It's always scary, putting myself out there. I'm not a naturally extroverted person, but I usually do enjoy meeting new people. Luckily all the people I met were really nice! Near the end of the month I ended up choosing an apartment closer to where I worked. My new roommate is very understanding of veganism, is a Christian, and also a science-fiction nerd like me, so it's a great setup altogether. Plus, it's right next to some protected wetlands, making it quiet and peaceful, and an excellent place to grow my garden, even if they will have to stay in their pots.

There they go, beginning to grow....
Meanwhile, I have set about the task of trying to mentally and emotionally prepare myself for moving out (which would happen at the end of June) and also for seeing my best friend Danielle leave for Germany (which will happen in September). It's not an easy road and there's no map for me to follow, at least not one that I trust. But I try to comfort myself in knowing that I will always have someone to turn to. While I was living in Hawaii, even though I could see Danielle on the weekends, I was often lonely during the week because I had no other friends around. While learning and growing as a new vegan, I took a lot of comfort in animals, whether just meeting eyes with them, or petting a friendly cat I met on the street. So, one night recently when I was home alone in Bellingham,  I was feeling lonely. Along comes a friendly cat who insists on coming inside and keeping me company!

It was also really nice to have Oma (Danielle's grandmother) over for lunch one day. Me and Danielle made Chickpea Picatta from the PPK, with arugala, and it was (of course) delicious!

Here's a picture of the table all set up for lunch!
Oma and the rest of Danielle's family will still be around, and luckily, they're like my second family. So that should make things easier for me.

Oh, Danielle also made a variation of the peanut butter chocolate eggs! It's called "Sweet and Salty Raspberry Hazelnut Butter Cups" and it is basically amazing. She made them for Oma but I got to taste a couple!

So all in all May was a good month!