Animal Advocacy News

Here is some general news about Veganism which has been cropping up on my Facebook and email lately. Each title is linked to further information and/or a way to take action.

The Turlock Hen Rescue
A factory egg farm recently shut down his facility, leaving 50,000 hens to starve to death. Animal Place and one other organization have taken the initiative to rescue some 4-5 thousand of the hens but are completely overwhelmed with the need for food, bedding, and other supplies. These people are amazing, they are giving their all to save these hens' lives. I could only donate a tiny amount, but by sharing it I have been able to get donations from some family and friends, and I hope that those who can do something for this cause will. It's not every day we have a chance like this to make a real impact on such a huge number of suffering animals. You can also sign this petition to bring the farm owner to justice.

Ag-Gag Bills
There is one in Utah which has passed the House. For those of you living in Utah, please contact your senators and let them know that this is not okay. In order for people to learn the truth about factory farms, we need to continue to be able to send in undercover investigators to document the horrors without being treated like terrorists. One such bill, the first of its kind to pass, has already recently passed in Iowa.
People from MFA are protesting it. I hope it does some good : \

Antibiotic-Resistant Super Viruses
This is the second article I have found talking about how our overuse of antibiotics in factory farms (necessary to keep animals alive in such awful conditions) is breeding new antibiotic-resistant superbugs which are now infecting humans. The first was from a German news source, Der Speigel.

Fox Penning in Virginia
Click above to sign the petition against fox penning. It's a really horrible practice... I don't see how anyone can justify it.

Horse Slaughter in Missouri
Another petition link above.

Use of Pigs in Combat Training
Another petition

Ban the Sale of Whale, Dolphin, and Porpoise meat
and another.

Dying Cattle at Sea
The practice of shipping cattle overseas for slaughter is probably even worse than shipping them by truck. 3,000 cattle recently died when a ship got stranded....

Although there are a lot of other issues and petitions to look for, I'll let anyone who wants to look them up do so on their own. There are many problems in this world and it's easy to get overwhelmed. But we all just have to focus on what we can do, and do it, not get depressed about what we are not doing.


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